
Dietitian Catherine Chong

How to increase your fertility with PCOS

Published over 2 years ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader,

It's Women's Health Week here in Australia, and I'm sharing with you diet tips for PCOS and how to boost your fertility to get pregnant😄!

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common reproductive disorder, affecting an estimated 8-20% of women of reproductive age, almost half of whom cannot conceive.

Most women with PCOS suffer from unexplained weight gain, excessive sugar cravings, unwanted hair growth, acne and irregular or missing periods.

Stephanie asked: "I have PCOS, and I want to have a baby. What should I do???"

The truth is PCOS doesn't make you infertile. There are steps you can take to reverse PCOS and restore your ovulation. Diet and lifestyle modifications are the keys.

Instead of recommending you a bunch of supplements to take, I'd rather help you first identify and treat the root causes:

👉Improve insulin resistance

👉 Stabilise your blood sugar control

👉Lower inflammation

👉Balance hormones

👉 Optimise gut microbiome

I'm sharing with you this special episode on our Fertility Nutrition TV - The Best 3 Diet Tips To Get Pregnant With PCOS.

Click here to watch now.

I've helped many clients to restore their periods and get pregnant...many also found less sugar craving, less bloated with energy and clear skin.

I WISH I could offer our personalised Master Your Fertility coaching program to everyone...

Still, I only accept a small group of clients every month to dedicate my best time and energy to support you.

So if there's something you're struggling with right now, Reader - the next best step is to book a 15-free discovery call with me. Your opportunity to learn more about our program and reserve your spot for Oct intake.

Whatever it is, I'd be honoured to help you figure it out!

With all love and support❤️,


P.S - Don't forget to subscribe to our Instagram and Youtube channels.

Dietitian Catherine Chong

Expert Fertility Dietitian on a mission to support women on their journey to motherhood. Crafting personalised nutrition strategies to enhance fertility and nourish the body for a healthy pregnancy.

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